Introduction and Readers Guide: Cybersecurity

Introduction and Readers Guide: Cybersecurity

The set of materials related to Cybersecurity provides the requirements for prevention and counteraction of risks in the cyber-physical space of Smart Cities' technological architecture. It describes the IMPETUS approach as an example of measures applied to consolidate and manage cybersecurity in Smart City contexts, in order to ensure a safe and reliable environment for the citizens and for the public administration.

For an open reading experience, the root page of the Practitioners Guide on CYBERSECURITY can be accessed and explored as desired.

The reading paths below offer suggestions for specific audiences, to ease their orientation within the set of materials related to Cybersecurity and in correspondence with other subjects approached by the Practitioners Guides. The refined reading suggestions are built mainly for:

The ”IMPETUS users” category addresses the personnel that work in the IMPETUS context.

The ”General users” category addresses any other readers concerned of cybersecurity aspects in relation to Smart City contexts.

Reading suggestions for SOC Operators


Reading suggestions for SOC Supervisors


Reading suggestions for IT personnel


Reading suggestions for Intelligence Analysts


Reading suggestions for other IMPETUS users


Reading suggestions for Government Staff


Reading suggestions for Decision Makers


Reading suggestions for Policy Makers


Reading suggestions for Regulators


Reading suggestions for Civil Servants


Reading suggestions for Regular Citizens


Reading suggestions for general users


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