What are the Practitioners Guides?

What are the Practitioners Guides?

Who are the Practitioners Guides for?

The Practitioners Guides are aimed at a very wide readership: anyone with an interest in operational, strategic, ethical, legal, and data privacy issues in the context of using advanced technological solutions to collect, analyze and utilize data in security operations.  The tools developed in our IMPETUS project are examples of the kind of advanced technologies we are considering – but the scope is wider than that, including (but not limited to) the use of algorithms, monitoring by electronic means, “Big Data” and “Internet of Things”.


Potential readers might include people with roles such as:

  • Security Operations Center operator

  • Security Operations Center supervisor

  • IT personnel

  • Intelligence Analysts

  • Staff in local government with management and decision-making roles

  • Policy makers

  • Regular citizens

  • Regulators

  • Civil servants

The list is not exhaustive.

Why would I want to Make Use of the Practitioners Guides?

Based on the very wide readership, different parts of the Practitioners Guides will be relevant to some readers but not to others.  We have adopted a modular approach where readers can easily browse to find the material relevant to their role.

The types of things you can learn about include:

  • The general ethical, legal, and data privacy issues that you ought to be aware of if you want to deploy technology such as that developed in IMPETUS in security operations;

  • Some particular issues that may apply  depending on the specific functionality provided by a given tool;

  • The overall advantages, opportunities, and challenges of using advanced technologies such as IMPETUS.

If you are already using, or considering adopting, some or all IMPETUS technologies you will also:

  • Find practical guidance and support materials that will help you ensure compliance with relevant principles and regulations;

  • Learn how new tools can be integrated into the IMPETUS platform and how the alerts and output from the platform can be integrated with existing infrastructure in the operator/owner’s organization.

Relationship to the tools and platform developed in the IMPETUS project

The Practitioners Guides are not intended as a sales channel / marketing aid for the software developed in the project (tools + integrating platform).

Experience in developing and using the software was an important input to development of the Practitioners Guides.

The only “sales” aspect of the Practitioners Guides is to help sell the overall idea of using advanced technology to improve public safety: to help persuade potential adopters of such technology that concerns related to ethical, legal, cybersecurity and operational concerns can be addressed effectively. IMPETUS results are an example of the type of technologies under consideration: but there are others, and we are confident that new ones will emerge in future.



This project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 883286.​ 


Copyright © The Impetus Consortium



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