Transformative Effects on Basic SOC Processes

Transformative Effects on Basic SOC Processes

IMPETUS tools support, but also changes the conditions for the basic SOC work processes. Transformative effects are expected to materialize through experience and practical use, but some possible effects are possible to anticipate. For instance:   

A common platform (e.g., IMPETUS) allows for exchanges of information between security actors who currently do not have ways to coordinate directly, for instance between intelligence actors and SOC operators. This capability has the potential to support a shift towards a more unified response to events, emancipating from siloed handling of urban security.

Similarly, transfers of data are available by simple “clicks”, allowing for instance field operators and SOC to exchange images rapidly and purposefully.

The changes in information pathways and utilisation from using the platform inside one single actor (e.g., a SOC) creates the opportunity and ability to synthesise types of information that previously were not neither conceivable nor available. This will affect both operations, and the operators' competence.