Building Resilience from Robustness

Building Resilience from Robustness

Experiencing Resilience


Experiencing resilience

Based on the results from stress-testing of Robustness, a Surprise scenario should be calibrated that enables the SOC to develop novel solutions that subsequently can be used for joint analyses and reflection. The reflection process should have two different foci

  1. What enabled the SOC to find a novel solution

  2. Is the novel solution something that can be reused in a future situation, to the extent that is can be incorporated into operational procedures?

This facilitates a crucial link between Robustness and Resilience of the SOC

Expand Resilient Repertoire


Expanding resilient repertoire, manage adaptive capacity

Resilience must be constantly maintained and renewed. The SOC must therefore persist in renewing their perceptions of their own operational capabilities in terms of Surprise scenarios that represent the boundaries of preparedness.

This directs attention to their ability to manage their own adaptive capacity, rather than imagined adaptations.

The DARWIN guidelines on Managing adaptive capacity is a useful resource. See DRMG Book, chapter 3.

Identify Limits (brittleness)

Identify brittleness

Also the adaptive capacity may be brittle. When the SOC has reached the maturity level in which it addresses it adaptive capacity, it is necessary to create awareness of it limitations.

Hence, Surprise scenarios which induces breakdown in adaptive capacity should be developed, with the intention of providing indicators of approaching these limits.

The DARWIN guidelines on Noticing brittleness is a useful resource. See DRMG Book, chapter 4.3


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